7 Great Tips To Help Your Kids Adjust to Their New Home

by Yael Ishakis on March 26, 2013

Moving Tips With ChildrenYou’ve finally made the decision and are moving to a new city.

And while a move can be an exciting new adventure – new work, new friends, new life experiences – moving to a new home is a big deal, especially for a young child.

They might not understand what is happening, and even feel apprehensive, overwhelmed or stressed during a move.

However, there are ways that you can help your children adjust and make the transition of moving to a new house easier.

Here are a few tips to help you, and your little ones, beat the moving blues.

  • Talk to your children before the move and explain what is happening — why you are moving and where you will be going. Be straightforward and answer all their questions.
  • From sadness to excitement, your children will have emotions associated with the move. These feelings are normal; so let your children know that it’s okay to express them.
  • If possible, visit your new Manhattan home well in advance of the move. It helps a child feel much less apprehensive if they have a picture in their mind of where they are moving. Be sure to highlight some of the nice things about the area you are moving to, such as a great playground or beautiful lake.
  • Make sure that you recognize their need to say goodbye to friends. Let them have a party and invite people over. Gather email addresses, Skype usernames and phone numbers in case your child wants to keep in touch with friends.
  • When you arrive at your new home, give your children plenty of say in how they decorate their new rooms. This will help them to feel like they have control over their environment and they won’t feel so lost.
  • Support your children in making friends at their new location. Sign them up for a club, introduce them to neighborhood children or invite another family over for dinner. The sooner they make a positive connection, the more settled they will feel.
  • As a final tip, working with a trusted real estate professional can also make your move much easier. Licensed real estate agents have a lot of experience recommending the best options and opportunities to their clients during and after a move.
Adjusting to a new home can be difficult for a child, but with plenty of love and support the transition can be much easier.


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