What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – June 6, 2022

June 6, 2022

Last week’s economic reporting included readings from S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Indices, The Federal Housing Finance Agency on home prices for homes owned or financed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and reporting on Construction spending. Weekly readings on mortgage rates and jobless claims were also released.

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Should You Use A Home Equity Loan To Buy A Vacation Home?

June 3, 2022

If you are looking for a way to diversify your investments while also making it easier to go on vacation, you may have thought about purchasing a vacation home.

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How Much Should You Budget for Closing Costs? Let’s Take a Look

June 2, 2022

If you’re in the market for a new home, you’re probably trying to budget for all of the expenses that come with a home purchase. After all, the asking price isn’t necessarily the entire amount that you’ll pay – there are other expenses that will factor in to the final price. One such expense is your closing costs.

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Make Modifications To Age In Place With A Home Equity Loan

June 1, 2022

There are a lot of people who would like to remain in their homes for as long as possible. Unfortunately, a traditional home may have a few features that can make it difficult for people to stay in their homes as they get older.

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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – May 31, 2021

May 31, 2022

Last week’s economic reporting included readings on new and pending home sales, minutes from the Federal Reserve’s recent Federal Open Market

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Whatever You Do, Don’t Make These Common Mortgage Mistakes

May 27, 2022

Are you applying for a mortgage on your home? Keep in mind that a mortgage is a major financial decision and choosing one will have a significant impact on the rest of your life.

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Whatever You Do, Don’t Make These Common Mortgage Mistakes

May 27, 2022

Are you applying for a mortgage on your home? Keep in mind that a mortgage is a major financial decision and choosing one will have a significant impact on the rest of your life.

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FHA Streamline Refinance Mortgage Loan Program

May 26, 2022

Many homeowners would love to lower their interest rate or take advantage of other benefits associated with refinancing, but they are concerned about the time and expense associated with refinancing their current mortgage. The FHA Streamline Refinance loan program is designed to provide those who currently have an FHA loan with an easier way to refinance their mortgage, and this may be a desirable option for many.

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Saving Up for Your Down Payment? Try These Money-saving Tips to Speed Things Up

May 25, 2022

One of the most significant challenges that many people face when preparing to buy a first home relates to saving money for a down payment. While there are many different loan programs with varying down payment requirements, the fact is that it can still be difficult to save up a large sum of money.

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The Top Home Renovations You Should Go All Out On

May 24, 2022

With many people spending more time at home, lots of homeowners are taking advantage of the opportunity to improve their houses. If you are thinking about making an upgrade to your house, you probably have a budget you would like to stick to. On the other hand, there are several home renovations you should splurge on if you want to maximize the return on your investment.

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