What To Do Before Interest Rates Rise

August 11, 2021

Mortgage rates are still low, but they are going up. This is creating a rush of people looking to buy homes before interest rates rise again. While it is difficult to predict when rates will go up again, it is hard for rates to go any lower. Homeowners and buyers need to act now before rates go up. What should homeowners do before rates rise?

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The Top Tips for Saving Money On Energy Bills

August 10, 2021

There are many homeowners who are looking for ways to reduce their monthly expenses. One way to do that is to target energy bills and expenditures. Homeowners might be able to make a few changes and upgrades to their homes, which could reduce utility bills and improve energy efficiency. What are a few ways to do exactly that?

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Money Matters: Understanding How a Mortgage Loan Can Be a Productive Investment

August 6, 2021

Most people tend to think of a mortgage loan as a necessary evil, an expense that has to be managed. But under the right circumstances, your mortgage can become a smart investment – something that makes you money instead of costing you money.

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The Process Of Buying A New Construction Home

August 5, 2021

Because the housing market is so competitive right now, many buyers are looking at alternative options. Instead of looking for a resale home, some buyers are considering a new home. What is the process of taking out a loan on a new construction home? There are several factors buyers should consider.

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What To Know About Home Loans for Renovation Projects

August 4, 2021

When people are looking for a home, they are often looking for something that is move-in ready. While this might make the process easier, this can also make the home much more expensive. It is still possible to find a dream home even if the house requires a bit of renovation.

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The Down Payment: Four Great Reasons To Make The Largest Down Payment You Can Afford

August 3, 2021

If you’re looking for a new home, you’ve probably heard lots of advice about down payments. About how it’s okay to just have a five percent down payment – you’ll still get approved. About how you should make the down payment as small as possible to avoid cash flow problems. Here are just four reasons why you should make the largest down payment possible.

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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – August 2, 2021

August 2, 2021

Last week’s economic reporting included readings on home prices, new and pending home sales, and the post-meeting statement of the Fed’s Federal Open Market Committee. Weekly readings on mortgage rates and jobless claims were also released.

S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Indices: Home Price Growth Breaks Records for Second Cons

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Will Missing Mortgage Payments Impact My FICO Score? Yes – and Here’s How

July 30, 2021

If you’re like most homeowners, you probably believe that one missed mortgage payment won’t have a noticeable impact on your FICO score. People get behind now and then, and besides, you’ve been faithfully making payments on time for years. How bad could it be?

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S&P Case-Schiller Indices Report Record Rise in Home Prices

July 29, 2021

Home prices continued to rise at record rates in May according to S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Indices. National home prices rose by 16.60 percent year-over-year in May as compared to 14.80 percent year-over-year price growth in April. The 10-City Home Price Index reported home prices rose 16.40 percent year-over-year and 1.90 percent month-to-month.

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FHA Cash-Out Refinance – Are You Eligible?

July 28, 2021

If you have equity in your home, you may wonder how you can access it. You don’t want to sell your home, but you know you’ve earned a profit from it.

We have many options to secure your home’s equity, one of which is the FHA cash-out refinance. Unlike the FHA streamline refinance, you don’t have to be a current FHA borrower. As long as you meet the requirements below, you can use an FHA loan to cash into your home’s equity.

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