Space Saving Tips When Living In A Small New York Apartment

by Yael Ishakis on July 10, 2018

It is no surprise that New York is a highly populated state, especially in the city; as a result, the apartments are extremely small. If you are looking to buy an apartment in The Greater Brooklyn Area, then your Brooklyn mortgage lender has a few storage hacks you should be aware of before you start unpacking.

To start, your local Brooklyn mortgage lender has come up with five useful tips on how to save space in your tiny apartment.

Tip #1: Do Not Be A Hoarder

You are already tight on space, so don’t hoard anything. You may want to “spring clean” four times a year to help you stay organized and to get rid of unwanted items. The less clutter you have, the bigger your apartment will appear.

Tip #2: Loft Your Bed

By being a homeowner and obtaining a Brooklyn mortgage, you have the right to do whatever you want to your own place without needing to ask for permission. This means you can partake in a little woodworking project to give your apartment more space by lofting your bed. Once your bed is lofted, you could utilize the area underneath however you like, such as a closet or you could add a small desk for a quiet workplace.

Tip #3: Consider Light Colored Paint

Your apartment is already small enough, so do not make it look even smaller by painting your walls in dark colors. Instead, think of light pastel colors or paint the walls white to help brighten your home and make it look more spacious.

Tip #4: Utilize Wall Space

Never shy away from using your walls as extra areas of storage. Build shelving units for books and supplies, and add hooks on the wall to hang up handbags, jewelry, coats, scarves, and any other bulky accessory.

Tip #5: Use A Curtain To Separate Rooms

If you live in a studio apartment where your bed, living room, and kitchen are all in the same room, consider hanging a curtain from the ceiling to divide spaces. You can hang a curtain on the side of your bed so it appears you have your own bedroom separate from the other areas.

Contact Us

For more useful tips on how to save space in a small apartment, please contact the best mortgage lender in Brooklyn at 888-210-0706.

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