The Top Ways To Winter Proof A Home

by Yael Ishakis on December 2, 2020

The Top Ways To Winter Proof A Home

As the temperature continues to drop outside, many people are worried about what is going to happen to their heating bills. Given the challenging economic year, nobody wants to pay more than they have to. On the other hand, there are ways that people can keep their heating bills as low as possible as long as they take steps to winter-proof their homes now. 

Prevent Drafts Under The Doors And Windows

One of the most common reasons why people end up using more heat than they should is that they are losing heat to the external environment. Often, this heat flows through gaps between windows and doors. Therefore, everyone has to make sure their windows and doors are closed when they are not using them. Then, consider adding stopgaps between doors and windows to prevent heat from exiting the home. If the windows are unlikely to be opened during the winter, then it might be a smart idea to seal them. 

Add Insulation To Hot Water Pipes And Tanks

Many people do not realize just how much heat they use keeping their water hot in their homes. It is a great idea for homeowners to add insulation to hot water tanks and pipes. By adding some simple insulation, the hot water heater is not going to have to work as hard to get hot water up to the right temperature. This can save homeowners a significant amount of money on their heating bills. 

Use A Smart Thermostat

Many homeowners run their heater when they do not have to. For example, they might run their heater when they are at work or asleep. This is unnecessary. By using a smart thermostat, everyone can set up a schedule for their heater. That way, their heater will shut off when the home does not have to be warmed to a specific temperature. At the same time, remember to warm the house to at least 55 degrees Fahrenheit at all times to prevent water from freezing in the pipes. 

Save Money On Heating Bills This Winter

These are a few of the top ways that homeowners can save money on their heating bills this winter without having to sacrifice their comfort.


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